Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Down Memory Lane

Say what you will about Barbie and her effect on the self image of young girls everywhere, but I loved my Barbie dolls and spent hours... and I mean HOURS... playing with them. My grandma made clothes for them, I had dishes and a full kitchen for them, I made makeshift beds out of books, and lovingly hand-stitched pillows and blankets for them. Some of my bed memories are of long weekends with my friend Beth, lost in an imaginary world where Barbie and Ken lived happily ever after.

So when I learned that today was Barbie's 51st birthday, I knew exactly what I would celebrate today. I am thrilled to have a little girl to share my love of dolls with, and saved my Barbies all these years in the hopes that I would have a daugther to pass them on to.

Or, so I thought...

As it turns out, in the chaos of our recent move my beloved dolls somehow got separated from all the clothing and other accessories I had for them. And, today, when I went searching for my Barbie collection I discovered that all I have now is the accessories. After much searching and discussion with my hubby it appears that my now vintage dolls were part of a huge "donation" we made to Value Village a few months ago.

So while I am grateful to still have the doll clothes my grandma so lovingly made for me -- a keepsake to be sure -- I have to admit to shedding a tear for the loss of the dolls that held so many memories. Not exactly the way I anticipated celebrating this day...

What did you do to celebrate today?

Tomorrow: Middle Name Pride Day; Geneaology Day; National Blueberry Popover Day; Zoe's birthday (Sesame Street)

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