Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Epitaph Day

Yesterday was "epitaph day." Sounds kind of morbid, I know. I wasn't really sure how to "celebrate" this day. It's not the kind of day that makes you break out the baloons and streamers, ya know?

Instead, this day gave me pause to sit and reflect on what an epitaph really is, and what I hope mine will say. After all, an epitaph is the last thing anyone writes about you. It reflects the life you lived and how those around you felt about you. It sums up, in a few words, what kind of life you lived.

This thought really made me stop and take stock of my life now. If I was to die today, what would my hubby and family write on my grave stone? Would I be happy with what they would right? And if not, what do I want it to say? And how do I need to change how I'm living to ensure it says what I want it to say?

Good food for thought.

What do you want your epitaph to say?


What did you do to celebrate yesterday?

Today: No Housework Day; World Health Day; National Coffee Cake Day

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