Today was "Lame Duck Day." I know, a head scratcher to be sure. I had to do some research just to figure out what it was we were supposed to be celebrating!
Apparently the term "lame duck" refers to someone in a position (job) that will soon be shown the door. So Lame Duck Day was created to honour (or mock?) those who are on their way out after serving in a given position. Whether it be someone who has been let go from a job, or someone who has retired, it's supposed to be a day to support them in their impending change.
That got me thinking about the 2010 Winter Olympics. Given the fact that we live in the host city for the games, it seemed appropriate to use today to "celebrate" VANOC (Vancouver Organizing Committee) as they near the start of the games. As I listened to the chair of the committee talk about all the work they have done on the news the other night, it occurred to me that his excitement no doubt must be mixed with two other powerful emotions - relief and sadness. Relief, because the HUGE job that loomed before them is almost over and he can finally get some sleep! And sadness because once the games are over and the clean up has finished, he's out of a job!
So in the spirit of today's day of celebration, and in the growing anticipation in our house as Vancouver 2010 fever starts to build... here's to the Lame Ducks of the Winter Olympic Games! Thank you for the work you've done (despite the fact we have done our fair share of complaining about it). Thank you for the passion you've had through it all and the excitement you've inspired in all of us. And thank you, for what will likely be memories we will never forget as a family as we look forward to the next few weeks of festivities!
What did you do to celebrate today?
Tomorrow: Send a Card to a Friend Day
1 comment:
Your celebrations each day have been very educational! :)
My day yesterday was very fitting to your celebration, as we spent the afternoon all over Vancouver going to free Olympics stuff. It was a lot of fun! I'll be posting pictures and stuff on my blog tonight. :)
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